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Principles of leadership and management training course

Understanding the importance of leadership and management in a workplace

Leadership is an essential skill that can be developed in many different ways. Whether through seminars, books, or even a dedicated degree program, people can learn to become better leaders. These programs are important as they provide students with the necessary skills and techniques needed to thrive in a business setting such as communication and management tools.

Great leaders recognise that success does not come naturally, but through hard work and training. They strive for behaviors which help them lead their team effectively towards the common goals established by their own leadership principles. Dedicated individuals practice these principles daily and understand what qualities are required for their social interactions.

Strong communication skills are essential for any successful leader. Among the most important is the ability to listen to others. Good listening speaks louder than words and enables leaders to build trust, respect and understanding among their team – allowing them to become aware of problems and create solutions that everyone is happy with. Listening to what your team members have got to say can help you understand their experiences, thoughts and feelings better, which will lead the way on how you inspire, motivate or work with them in the future. Listening does not necessarily equate
agreeing with everything you hear but it's about actively hearing other points of view - being seen as taking time to really understand what’s being said so that peers feel heard, respected and validated even if you ultimately go a different direction.

About this course

  •  Training Provider:
  •  Location: Online
  •  Course length: Varies average 20 minutes
  •  Time: Self-paced
  •  Certification / Accreditation: Certificate of Completion

Background – Importance of brushing up your leadership and management
Being an effective leader means that you are constantly looking for ways to be better. This can involve reading up on the latest industry trends or attending workshops. Leaders should aim to demonstrate their commitment to learning and self-improvement, inspiring employees to do the same. By showing initiative in advancing their knowledge and understanding of their field, leaders are able to create a strong team environment where everyone is working together towards shared goals.

Good leaders not only have their own standards, morals and values that guide how they work, but also promote the same in their team members. When everyone follows the same values and holds each other accountable for ethical and moral behaviors, company culture is significantly enriched. Leaders should lead by example but also be clear about expectations — addressing any issues that arise immediately but professionally. Doing so helps create a successful and cohesive team where
everyone works together for greater good of the organisation.

As a leader, it's important to support and guide your team through any changes that may come their way. Demonstrating an upbeat attitude can help inspire others to approach change positively and productively. Change is an opportunity for growth, so show the benefits of stepping outside of comfort zones. Effective leaders use their experience and instincts to identify change-related opportunities and see them as paths to greater success. Showing a proactive attitude during periods of change can help ensure that everyone in the organisation understands why challenges should be
embraced with enthusiasm.

When it comes to effective leadership, it's essential to be impartial in all interactions. Leaders should strive to make every team member feel valued and appreciated. Giving preferential treatment to one person will immediately cause friction within a team, and can even lead to decreased morale and respect for the leader. The best way to create a strong and unified team is by making sure each individual is aware of their role and importance in the organization. This helps foster appreciation for one another, as each person sees how their own skills are integral in achieving success.

Course Outline
OHS’s Principles of Leadership and Management training course provides the tools and out-of-the-box strategies to refine your leadership skills and give you an edge when it comes to managing and leading teams in various industries. The training course provides practical experience specialising in: communication effectiveness, experience leading teams, paths to continue advancement of your studies and enhanced career opportunities.

Learning Outcomes

  •  Supervise and direct a team in a range of settings.
  •  Fostering team unity.
  •  Express ideas and thoughts clearly in the workplace.
  •  Exhibit competent leadership through personal conduct and expectations.
  •  Organise business procedures.
  •  Check operational results.



Course Highlights:

  • On-demand Training
  • Complete on Any Device
  • Quality Focused
  • Fast Certification
  • Tax Deductable
  • 100% Online
  • 24 Months Unlimited Course Access
  • Self-print Certificate

"Very detailed information, with the ability to shuffle and skip past parts that I knew. I actually enjoyed doing it. I was refreshed after completing the course. All in all, a fantastic refresher course."

Luke W.

"Straight forward and easy to understand. Thanks, OHS this is my second Refresher course."


"Quick & relatively easy, done from the comfort of home."

David B

"Really great courses on OHS website, would use this site again."



Claim up to $1271.95 worth of Extra Bonuses
with every purchase

  • Your personal copy of Safety Legends E-Book (value $39.95)
  • $100 off your first case from Naked Wines (value $100)
  • Upto 350,000 Bonus AMEX Frequent Flyer points* (value $1000)
  • Complimentary Access to two online courses** (value $132)
* New customers when you successfully sign up for a new personal / business credit card ** Indigenous Cultural Awareness / Impacts of Climate Change courses


Understanding the importance of leadership and management in a workplace

Leadership is an essential skill that can be developed in many different ways. Whether through seminars, books, or even a dedicated degree program, people can learn to become better leaders. These programs are important as they provide students with the necessary skills and techniques needed to thrive in a business setting such as communication and management tools.

Great leaders recognise that success does not come naturally, but through hard work and training. They strive for behaviors which help them lead their team effectively towards the common goals established by their own leadership principles. Dedicated individuals practice these principles daily and understand what qualities are required for their social interactions.

Strong communication skills are essential for any successful leader. Among the most important is the ability to listen to others. Good listening speaks louder than words and enables leaders to build trust, respect and understanding among their team – allowing them to become aware of problems and create solutions that everyone is happy with. Listening to what your team members have got to say can help you understand their experiences, thoughts and feelings better, which will lead the way on how you inspire, motivate or work with them in the future. Listening does not necessarily equate
agreeing with everything you hear but it's about actively hearing other points of view - being seen as taking time to really understand what’s being said so that peers feel heard, respected and validated even if you ultimately go a different direction.

About this course

  •  Training Provider:
  •  Location: Online
  •  Course length: Varies average 20 minutes
  •  Time: Self-paced
  •  Certification / Accreditation: Certificate of Completion

Background – Importance of brushing up your leadership and management
Being an effective leader means that you are constantly looking for ways to be better. This can involve reading up on the latest industry trends or attending workshops. Leaders should aim to demonstrate their commitment to learning and self-improvement, inspiring employees to do the same. By showing initiative in advancing their knowledge and understanding of their field, leaders are able to create a strong team environment where everyone is working together towards shared goals.

Good leaders not only have their own standards, morals and values that guide how they work, but also promote the same in their team members. When everyone follows the same values and holds each other accountable for ethical and moral behaviors, company culture is significantly enriched. Leaders should lead by example but also be clear about expectations — addressing any issues that arise immediately but professionally. Doing so helps create a successful and cohesive team where
everyone works together for greater good of the organisation.

As a leader, it's important to support and guide your team through any changes that may come their way. Demonstrating an upbeat attitude can help inspire others to approach change positively and productively. Change is an opportunity for growth, so show the benefits of stepping outside of comfort zones. Effective leaders use their experience and instincts to identify change-related opportunities and see them as paths to greater success. Showing a proactive attitude during periods of change can help ensure that everyone in the organisation understands why challenges should be
embraced with enthusiasm.

When it comes to effective leadership, it's essential to be impartial in all interactions. Leaders should strive to make every team member feel valued and appreciated. Giving preferential treatment to one person will immediately cause friction within a team, and can even lead to decreased morale and respect for the leader. The best way to create a strong and unified team is by making sure each individual is aware of their role and importance in the organization. This helps foster appreciation for one another, as each person sees how their own skills are integral in achieving success.

Course Outline
OHS’s Principles of Leadership and Management training course provides the tools and out-of-the-box strategies to refine your leadership skills and give you an edge when it comes to managing and leading teams in various industries. The training course provides practical experience specialising in: communication effectiveness, experience leading teams, paths to continue advancement of your studies and enhanced career opportunities.

Learning Outcomes

  •  Supervise and direct a team in a range of settings.
  •  Fostering team unity.
  •  Express ideas and thoughts clearly in the workplace.
  •  Exhibit competent leadership through personal conduct and expectations.
  •  Organise business procedures.
  •  Check operational results.
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Save Time & Money
  • Tax Deductible
  • 1000's Trained Each Month
  • Quality-Focused
  • Peer Reviewed Courses
  • Trusted Industry Partner
  • Fast Certification
  • 60 Day Guarantee
  • *See refund policy

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Student Reviews

Regular price $97
Regular price Sale Sale price $97
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Principles of leadership and management training course

Principles of leadership and management training course

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    Claim up to $1271.95 worth of Extra Bonuses
    with every purchase

    • Your personal copy of Safety Legends E-Book (value $39.95)
    • $100 off your first case from Naked Wines (value $100)
    • Upto 350,000 Bonus AMEX Frequent Flyer points* (value $1000)
    • Complimentary Access to two online courses** (value $132)
    * New customers when you successfully sign up for a new personal / business credit card ** Indigenous Cultural Awareness / Impacts of Climate Change courses


    Understanding the importance of leadership and management in a workplace

    Leadership is an essential skill that can be developed in many different ways. Whether through seminars, books, or even a dedicated degree program, people can learn to become better leaders. These programs are important as they provide students with the necessary skills and techniques needed to thrive in a business setting such as communication and management tools.

    Great leaders recognise that success does not come naturally, but through hard work and training. They strive for behaviors which help them lead their team effectively towards the common goals established by their own leadership principles. Dedicated individuals practice these principles daily and understand what qualities are required for their social interactions.

    Strong communication skills are essential for any successful leader. Among the most important is the ability to listen to others. Good listening speaks louder than words and enables leaders to build trust, respect and understanding among their team – allowing them to become aware of problems and create solutions that everyone is happy with. Listening to what your team members have got to say can help you understand their experiences, thoughts and feelings better, which will lead the way on how you inspire, motivate or work with them in the future. Listening does not necessarily equate
    agreeing with everything you hear but it's about actively hearing other points of view - being seen as taking time to really understand what’s being said so that peers feel heard, respected and validated even if you ultimately go a different direction.

    About this course

    •  Training Provider:
    •  Location: Online
    •  Course length: Varies average 20 minutes
    •  Time: Self-paced
    •  Certification / Accreditation: Certificate of Completion

    Background – Importance of brushing up your leadership and management
    Being an effective leader means that you are constantly looking for ways to be better. This can involve reading up on the latest industry trends or attending workshops. Leaders should aim to demonstrate their commitment to learning and self-improvement, inspiring employees to do the same. By showing initiative in advancing their knowledge and understanding of their field, leaders are able to create a strong team environment where everyone is working together towards shared goals.

    Good leaders not only have their own standards, morals and values that guide how they work, but also promote the same in their team members. When everyone follows the same values and holds each other accountable for ethical and moral behaviors, company culture is significantly enriched. Leaders should lead by example but also be clear about expectations — addressing any issues that arise immediately but professionally. Doing so helps create a successful and cohesive team where
    everyone works together for greater good of the organisation.

    As a leader, it's important to support and guide your team through any changes that may come their way. Demonstrating an upbeat attitude can help inspire others to approach change positively and productively. Change is an opportunity for growth, so show the benefits of stepping outside of comfort zones. Effective leaders use their experience and instincts to identify change-related opportunities and see them as paths to greater success. Showing a proactive attitude during periods of change can help ensure that everyone in the organisation understands why challenges should be
    embraced with enthusiasm.

    When it comes to effective leadership, it's essential to be impartial in all interactions. Leaders should strive to make every team member feel valued and appreciated. Giving preferential treatment to one person will immediately cause friction within a team, and can even lead to decreased morale and respect for the leader. The best way to create a strong and unified team is by making sure each individual is aware of their role and importance in the organization. This helps foster appreciation for one another, as each person sees how their own skills are integral in achieving success.

    Course Outline
    OHS’s Principles of Leadership and Management training course provides the tools and out-of-the-box strategies to refine your leadership skills and give you an edge when it comes to managing and leading teams in various industries. The training course provides practical experience specialising in: communication effectiveness, experience leading teams, paths to continue advancement of your studies and enhanced career opportunities.

    Learning Outcomes

    •  Supervise and direct a team in a range of settings.
    •  Fostering team unity.
    •  Express ideas and thoughts clearly in the workplace.
    •  Exhibit competent leadership through personal conduct and expectations.
    •  Organise business procedures.
    •  Check operational results.
    • Money Back Guarantee
    • Save Time & Money
    • Tax Deductible
    • 1000's Trained Each Month
    • Quality-Focused
    • Peer Reviewed Courses
    • Trusted Industry Partner
    • Fast Certification
    • 60 Day Guarantee
    • *See refund policy

    Student Reviews

    Regular price $97
    Regular price Sale Sale price $97
    Sale Sold out
    Tax included.

    Principles of leadership and management training course

    Principles of leadership and management training course

      Course Highlights:

      • On-demand Training
      • Complete on Any Device
      • Quality Focused
      • Fast Certification
      • Tax Deductable
      • 100% Online
      • 24 Months Unlimited Course Access
      • Self-print Certificate

      "Very detailed information, with the ability to shuffle and skip past parts that I knew. I actually enjoyed doing it. I was refreshed after completing the course. All in all, a fantastic refresher course."

      Luke W.

      "Straight forward and easy to understand. Thanks, OHS this is my second Refresher course."


      "Quick & relatively easy, done from the comfort of home."

      David B

      "Really great courses on OHS website, would use this site again."

      View full details