The South Australian government has announced phase two of the audit of CBD buildings containing aluminium composite panel (ACP) cladding and will also examine the fire safety systems in the buildings that have been identified.
The audit is being conducted by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), the Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) and the City of Adelaide (ACC). In total 77 buildings were identified as warranting further consideration, with 38 of those buildings having very limited or isolated cladding.
The SA government, the MFS and ACC have not identified any property in phase one that represents a safety risk. However in phase two, all 77 buildings will be investigated further to confirm that cladding is installed in compliance with the National Construction Code (NCC) and relevant fire safety measures.
This process will involve examining building certification, plans and any approved variations and undertaking site inspections.
According to the City of Adelaide (ACC) they will be writing to the owners of all 77 buildings to facilitate this investigation and to work with them to confirm the cladding installation is compliant with the NCC.
If at any stage a building is identified as presenting a risk to safety the government, ACC and the MFS will take immediate action.
Outside of the CBD, DPTI advises that approximately 30 Councils in South Australia are likely to identify relevant buildings. DPTI will work with those councils to progress their audits.
“South Australians should not be alarmed at the use of aluminium composite cladding on buildings in the CBD. Certified ACP cladding products are safe, when installed in accordance with the National Construction Code,” said Rau
“I have asked all local councils and private certifiers to advise DPTI immediately if they have concerns about the safety or compliance of any buildings, which contain ACP.”
“Meanwhile, DPTI, ACC and the MFS have now begun phase two of the audit process in the city, which will involve a more detailed, building-by-building investigation,” said Rau.
The inspections come off the back of recent concerns relating to the use of ACP on buildings and in the interest of public safety. Rau instructed DPTI to lead a comprehensive building audit with ACC and the MFS with similar audits taking place in other Australian states.
Image sourced from Flickr cc: Anthony Kernich